Robust warehouse for intelligent children's furniture


Roughly 3,500 square metres were converted in the facility of furniture manufacturer Paidi Möbel GmbH; the production hall was turned into a warehouse with a tough substrate The first construction phase was particularly difficult: This was due to the fact that the substrate consisted of cracked, partially raised mastic asphalt with cement-based repairs. Based on the complicated situation, the team used different primers, though they all required the same preparatory work. For this reason, the 700 square metre area covered with mastic asphalt, and the 2800 square metre area covered with cement screed were pretreated using shot blasting technology. This provided the floor with a rough surface, ensuring optimal adhesion of the new primers and coatings. Following the preparation, Peter Schuck's team worked on priming, coating and sealing. Due to the various starting materials, different primers were applied: In areas with mastic asphalt, the processors used PUR coating PCI Apoten PU as primer coating. On the remaining area consisting of cement screed, PCI Epoxigrund 390 was applied. The construction pros used both materials as scratch coat. They mixed the reaction resins with 30 percent oven-dried silica sand and, using floor brushes, evenly applied the easy-to-spread mixture. On the following day, the processors covered the primed area in the Paidi facility with a two millimetre thick PCI Apoten PU layer. During the final step, a matt top coat was applied onto the layer. The two-component transparent and light-resistant PUR sealing PCI Finopur produced a mat, wear-resistant and chemical-resistant surface. Micro glass beads mixed into the material ensure a non-slip surface. Meanwhile, the new warehouse is home to finished parts and furniture panels. Daily routine has been established - on a durable basis.




Floor restoration: Creating a tough substrate






PCI Epoxygrunder 390, PCI Finopur®, PCI Apoten® PU


Richard Rast, PCI-Anwendungstechnik Peter Scharf, PCI-Fachberater Markus Schackmann, PCI-Laborleiter


Paidi Möbel GmbH, Hafenlohr


Firma Peter Schuck Maurerpolier: Peter Schuck, Geschäftsführer Firma Bernhard Müller, Kugelstrahltechnik

Din kontaktperson for spørgsmål:

PCI Augsburg GmbH
Piccardstraße 11, 86159 Augsburg
Telefon: 0821 5901-0
Telefax: 0821 5901-416

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